Saturday, May 24, 2008

it's been so long

It's been a long time since I updated my blog. I just completed my first busy season at a public accounting firm and it wasn't so bad. I really enjoy working so I don't mind it so much. Now that there's not so much to do at work, I am getting really bored. I just need things to do so that I don't just have to sit there doing absolutely nothing. My internship at Reznick Group is coming to a close though and a new internship is coming up. It will be exciting to see how another office environment operates. And what's more exciting is that training is in Virginia!!! My first time traveling at work.

And another thing, Brandon just finished his first semester at Georgia Perimeter and his summer class starts next Tuesday. I'm incredibly proud of him and his hard work. It's funny to see him as a schoolboy, but he just looks so cute with his nose in books. Also, he had his upper braces put on and he talks a bit funny, but it's for the better.

I had one filling this past Friday. I still have six more fillings. It's incredibly embarrassing so admit that I have that many cavities, but it's life. And then after that I should be good to go on the braces.

How much do braces cost anyways? Just want to make sure that we are not getting cheated as we are not covered under any insurance plans. We have a dental discount plan, but the orthodontist that we are using is out of the plan. But seriously, it is costing us so much to fix up our teeth.


Friday, December 28, 2007

Back From My Parents

We had lots of fun at my parents. We are back now. We were going to stay an extra day or so, but I remembered that I had to pick up a friend from the Airport. She went to California to visit her mom. So we came back. 

I almost forgot about her until this morning. Thank goodness I didn't forget. I would have felt so bad if she had to wait for me at the Airport.

Feel so tired from everything. It's time to get in gear for the New Year!!! 

Saturday, December 22, 2007


We're going to my family for Christmas. I need to go to sleep, but can't hardly. Have to wake up early for Church though. Not that early, but nowadays 8AM is too early!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm a graduate!

It's been so long since I wrote here. Well, just a recap of everything that happened!

I graduated and am starting my first internship January 3rd. I'm ultra excited about that! It's going to feel ultra weird not having to study, but I think I'll like it. Or so I hope!

And we're spending Xmas with my family!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Komen Race For The Cure

I have the 5K this morning at Atlantic Station. I am excited. I was thinking about doing the 3-Day Breast Cancer walk, but we'll see. I would, but one of the day is on Sunday. I think it's Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm thinking that maybe I can do it on Friday and Saturday only. Or maybe I can walk 60 miles in two days??? Could I do that physically? Wow, that's a lot of calories burnt. If I walk 4 miles per hour, it would take me 7.5 hours to walk 30 miles. I think that I did the math right.

Anyhow, I got 2 As, 2 A-s, and 1 C. I am sad about the C, but what the heck! It's done and over with and I am super glad about that. My May classes start next Monday. I am excited. I want to ace this class and get my GPA up. My GPA hasn't change, although my Major GPA went down by .01. Sadness!

Anyhow, I got to go eat breakfast. Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Exams are over!

Exams are over! I am so happy. Now I can chill out...for a week. That's really better than nothing. I still have to work, but I really am going to enjoy this week. I can't wait to find out my grades though. Hopefully I did okay.