Saturday, May 12, 2007

Komen Race For The Cure

I have the 5K this morning at Atlantic Station. I am excited. I was thinking about doing the 3-Day Breast Cancer walk, but we'll see. I would, but one of the day is on Sunday. I think it's Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm thinking that maybe I can do it on Friday and Saturday only. Or maybe I can walk 60 miles in two days??? Could I do that physically? Wow, that's a lot of calories burnt. If I walk 4 miles per hour, it would take me 7.5 hours to walk 30 miles. I think that I did the math right.

Anyhow, I got 2 As, 2 A-s, and 1 C. I am sad about the C, but what the heck! It's done and over with and I am super glad about that. My May classes start next Monday. I am excited. I want to ace this class and get my GPA up. My GPA hasn't change, although my Major GPA went down by .01. Sadness!

Anyhow, I got to go eat breakfast. Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Exams are over!

Exams are over! I am so happy. Now I can chill out...for a week. That's really better than nothing. I still have to work, but I really am going to enjoy this week. I can't wait to find out my grades though. Hopefully I did okay.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

2 Down. 3 To Go.

I had two exams today. I have one tomorrow and two on Saturday.

I hope that I did okay. I know that I bombed one today.