Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Women's 5K

Good morning. This morning felt fabulous. Last night, I could feel summer moving in. I love the summer although the humidity is starting to get to me. I like the summer more than the winter. It feels so awesome and I don't have to look like a big puddle of blankets everytime I go out.

I am signing up for a 5K in March. I am very excited. Running is definitely my new passion. It's such an awesome feeling to run. And I can feel my body transforming to a better, more perfect me!

Have a fabulous day!



Hey babe!!

I hope the Lewis famimly will run the 5k with ya, I think they will.

Good luck, maybe I will come watch :D

Michelle Claire said...

Hey!!!! This is awesome!!! I get to hear about what you guys are doing and everything!!! That sounds awesome you doing a 5K Kaolee! Love ya all!


Hey babe I love you!


babe!! Like write a new post eh!!