Thursday, March 8, 2007

I need to chill out.

I ran 6 miles today. It was an especially hard day. And I also increased the incline to 5 on the treadmill. I have been running flat so I need to incorporate some "hills" into my treadmill run. I think that tomorrow I will probably run 2 miles or so because Saturday is my long run of 8 miles. I really need an MP3 so bad. Running gets boring.

It's been a weird week because I have Spring Break but I have such a hard time chilling out. I always think that I have to be doing something productive. Brandon says that I am psycho. He's so much better at chilling out. For me, it takes a lot of work just to chill out. Weird, huh?

Well, I have to write a short paper for a scholarship. I haven't heard from Georgia-Pacific. That really sucks. I am sure that I am not one of the lucky interns. I really wanted to work this year. I still pray though.

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Are you training for a marathon? Way to go with all the running. And I know what you mean about just relaxing - I'm the same way.