Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Utah or Georgia?

I really need to be studying for a test. There are so many things that I need to do, but the hard part is doing it. Do you know what I mean? But I really need to work on this because I don't want to be behind.

I went to an MBA information session. I am not getting an MBA, but a Masters of Taxation. It was a good informational session. Still considering BYU-Provo or Georgia State University. I am just beginning to like Georgia and the friends that I have. So I will have to pray about this more.

Ran 6 miles this morning. Now my body is sore. I need to study and ice it at the same time. I love multi-tasking!

Have a fab evening!

1 comment:

Michelle Claire said...

You should definately choose Utah... I don't know... that's just MY opinion.... but I'm thinking it's pretty important. :) I just miss you guys and I think you should be closer!!!! No pressure though... :) Love ya!