Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hurting Feet

Yesterday we went to the park and ran 1.25 miles. Our feet hurts now though. I think that we started out too fast being that we haven't ran in about a month now. My shins hurt and it really sucks because I really want to do good in the 5K. I only have to run 2 miles today and then I rest tomorrow. But Saturday, I have to run 7 miles. I hope that I will have time to run 7 miles on Saturday. I think that we should be okay for the most part.

B will get to drive his motorcycle home on Saturday which will be exciting for him. I am very excited for him. And then he can start riding it to work or something.

I am at school right now. This morning was ultra cold. I hate the cold. I can't wait until summer. It will be awesome. I hope that it will not be too humid though. But otherwise, I can enjoy the sun. The sun makes me ultra happy. It really gives energy.

Can't wait to see B. He's super awesome!

Have a fabulous day.

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