Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I am such a nerd!

I should go to sleep, but Brandon is still up playing WarCrack so I just decided to stay up and do some homework. I seem to want to do more and more in less and less time. I am the total stress case.

My eyes hurt when I move them. I think that I need some sleep. I never sleep in. I can't. For some reason, when I hear Brandon get up for work, I wake up too and then I can't go back to bed. And of course, I realize that I can do so much homework so I use that time to do homework. I know, I am no fun!

Maybe when I am done with school.

In the meantime, stay gorgeous!



Hey love!

Yeah, I think you are suffering from Brandon Somnia,,. cause I am gone, you can't sleep, you can't eat, shoot you call me about everything you cant even think :D

he he Later Love

Melissa said...

Hey thanks for the comment and introducing yourself. It is fun to read about how you and brandon are doing. Can't wait to meet you someday!