Monday, February 19, 2007

I really need this A!

Studying for Intermediate Accounting. Please pray hard for me. I really need this A! Seriously and no jokes. Afterwards, I am going to get my hair trimmed. It looks awful. It really does. And of course nothing dramatic. Just a snippet here and a snippet there.

Planning to run 3miles today. And do some abs exercises for my mushy tummy. And then Family Home Evening and dinner. Yum!

Have a fabulous day!


Jessica Marie said...

I use to live in Kingston, WA and hanged out with Michelle Hoyle. Are you married to Brandon? Small world! My name was Jessica Snow. Now it is Jessica Jensen. Well, take care! :)


Hey doll!!

Best of luck today on your test.. We need this A :D

I will say a pray for ya when the test is about to start best of luck :D

Love B