Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday Morning

This weekend passed by so fast. It sort of zoomed by without my knowing. B and I are going running at the park today. It's sort of looking cloudy so I hope that we will be able to. It's been a week since I ran and I really miss it.

Just busy doing homework. It's never-ending. Hopefully I will get all the things that I need to get done today done. I really hate stressing out about it at the last second. I am glad that there is no BAP meeting this Thursday. It gets so exhausting when there is a BAP meeting. I love it, but it extends my day.

Well, I got to finish my schoolwork. Have a fabulous day!

1 comment:


Hey babe!! Can't wait till we go running, and I so know what you mean when you say "Bap extends your day" I feel that one 100% Well I love you work was crazy today major server/ network crash today,. just now at 11:42am am able to settle down after a 2 hour ordeal :(
Well later love!!